The Intellistage™ Guard Rail is the perfect safety addition to your Intellistage™ system. Since portable staging is considered a temporary structure, guard rails are only required for heights above 90cm, however the responsibility for ensuring a safe performance space falls onto the event organiser or the venue. Designed to keep performers safe, they act as a visual and physical barrier, helping to ensure performers don’t fall off the edge. Intellistage™ Guard Rails are sold in 1 metre wide, modular sections so you can simply add additional units if the size and configuration of your stage changes..
All stage platforms come standard with pre-marked holes, so if you decide to add guard rails, installation is a snap. Simply drill holes at the pre-marked locations found on the underside of the platforms, mount your guard rails with the provided mounting bolts and connect the guard rail sections together with our special guardrail to guardrail connecting hardware (hardware included).
Intellistage™ Guard Rail
Use the Intellistage™ Guard Rail system to create additional safety measures for your performers.
See below for more information.
Categories: Intellistage™, Intellistage™ Guard Rails
Tags: guard rail, Intellistage guard rail, safety rail
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