our 2 metre Stage Guard Rail provides a 2 metre wide barrier, safeguarding performers from falling off the edge of the stage. Constructed from powder coated steel box or weather-proof aluminium, our 2 metre Stage Guard Rail easily attaches to your Phantom™ stage via guardrail to stage connecting clamps.
The 2 metre Stage Guard Rail comes with a built-in chair-stop making them suitable for both seated riser installations and wheelchair ramps.
Guardrails are required on all portable stages set at a height of 1 metre of above. However when considering the safety of performers, guardrails can be used at any height to ensure a safe elevated performance space.
2 metre Stage Guard Rail
Use this 2 metre Stage Guard Rail to create a safety barrier, protecting your performers from falling off the edge of the stage.
Category: Phantom™ Guardrails
Tags: 2 metre stage guard rail, 2m guardrail, 2m Phantom guardrail, guard rail, safety rail
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